On this page, you can find fun activities and worksheets for school or home learning.
Into The Faerie Hill
Pushkin Press has developed a brilliant reading guide and activity pack for Into The Faerie Hill. It can be used in classrooms, for home schooling, or just for fun if you have read the book. You can find it here.

Whenever I’m working on a story, I like to make a mood board to collect ideas and find inspiration for my characters and the setting. Sometimes I cut and paste pictures from magazines and create a collage in my notebook. Below you can see one I created for Into The Faerie Hill.

I also collect images in folders on my computer and on Pinterest boards. You can see my Pinterest board for Into The Faerie Hill here. Perhaps you can make your own inspiring mood board for a story idea or a book you have been reading.

If you would like to write your own story about a fantastical creature, you can read how I go about creating one. Find out in this blog post I wrote for Young Writers, which also includes a story starter.

Activity sheets:
Into The Faerie Hill Word Search

The Hungry Ghost
In the 100 days before the publication of The Hungry Ghost, I posted daily countdown photos with short descriptions from Singapore on my social media. These images include the impressions, locations, things, foods and wildlife that inspired me when I wrote the story. You can find all of them on this Pinterest Board for The Hungry Ghost.

Activity sheets:

The Missing Barbegazi
Take a look at my Pinterest board for The Missing Barbegazi here, and try to make your own inspiring mood board for a story idea.

Activity sheets:

If you haven’t read The Missing Barbegazi yet, you can read an extract here.